Sunday 26 June 2016

Home Learning - Room 7 - Term 2 - Week 9

Task 1 - Explanation Writing

Type your explanation writing on a google doc and share the link here. When (or if) you have done this, please add a comment under the heading student reflection. This comment can include a reflection on what you have learned about explanation writing or what you would do differently in the future. Remember to separate the learning and the doing. You were learning to write an explanation and doing it on the senses. So your reflection needs to be about your learning. 

Task 2 - Financial Literacy

Make sure your financial literacy presentation is finished and shared with me. Please include a reflection when you have shared it. 

Task 3 - Geography Challenege

Here is a link to an awesome site called sporkle. You have 15 minutes to name as many of the 197 countries as possible. Have a go and comment your score below. Keep updating your score during the week for the person/group on Monday (the 4th of July) who can list the most countries will be crowned champion and a receive a prize.